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Archives 2003-05-11 - 4:40 p.m.

I don't know what's wrong with me lately. There's a haze that forms on the membrane just inside my skull that's affecting my judgement. It's a thick one, you can scoop it out with a spoon.

I managed to fail a very very important test last week, not once, but twice. I've never failed anything twice before in my entire life, not that it's really any different. All I know is that, if I do it again, I may be sent home.

Okay, so that's not a big deal, people tell me. Out of nowhere, I happened to accquire an instant friend-girl (notice, not girlfriend) for some reason with a weird name. Though things are quite amicable right now, we seem to have different priorities in regards to our present predicament.

We ended up sharing a sandwich at 5:30 this morning at a gas station. Perhaps I'm overdoing it in the romance department.

For a sundry Sunday afternoon, there seems to be an awful lot of rain...

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