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Archives 2004-04-04 - 4:48 a.m.

Guerrilla Driving Tactics, Part 1:

Turn signals, as used in this city, denotes to the drivers in the other lane to speed up and close the gap so that you can't get into the lane of choice. There is nothing you can do about it, you can curse all you want, but they can't hear you.

Often, I must resort to stealth mode (i.e. without the afforementioned turn signals) and turn on the turbo (i.e. turning off the air conditioner) in order to cut into the available gap so that the driver behind has little or no reaction time to adjust.

It may elicit some honking, or the reverse cutoff move (designed to infuriate so that you will retaliate). Yet it has become such a norm, the only time you will see a flicker of the turn signal is when your car breaks down.

I'm going to L.A. tomorrow. I hear they use weapons instead. Perhaps that's a better solution...

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