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Archives 2002-08-31 - 9:41 a.m.

Things I've learned about Adelaide:

1) All the crap cars here have extremely big mufflers, which is pretty much every car in Adelaide.

2) All the bars have either extremely old women who are extremely desperate, or underage girls who cater to extremely desperate men.

3) Telstra sucks.

4) I learned how to conduct sensitive toilet operations with only one square of toilet paper. Apparently this was an Australian invention...

5) People here take their vegemite seriously. I will never call it Nutella again.

6) Taxi drivers here are also social workers, as they'll give you free counselling on your love life while he's driving you home, whether you want it or not.

7) My accent is sexy here, I was told.

8) The air is so dry, I've already had two nosebleeds without even picking my nose. Looking at investing in a humidifier.

9) Telstra sucks.

10) People here are generally very nice. Just don't tread into Salisbury...

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