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Archives 2004-12-10 - 9:09 p.m.

I weigh...70 kilograms. That's about 155 pounds, +/- 5.

I saw a T.V. program in Tokyo the other day, about a man who lost 70 kilograms walking from one end of Japan to the other.

The obvious thing to point out was that he wasn't 70 kilograms to begin with. Or perhaps he had reached nirvana by the time he was finished. I really have no idea.

In any case, he went from 170kg to 100kg in about 200 days. That's about 28 weeks or so, which is just over half a year.

So would it be too stupid to say that I want to lose 10 kilograms during that same time?

Or am I just dreaming again...

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