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Archives 2003-04-26 - 1:05 a.m.

We watched the sun set over the gulf in the plane today. Quite spectacular, scenery that will stay in your mind like wallpaper.

Then the 737 flew by, and we almost lost our lunch in the process.

Beautiful today was however, in almost every conceivable way. Felt like an endless drift on the beach, just passing the time, blue seas and breeze included.

Then there was the occasional glance over the beer, on which we all agreed was the loveliest smile we've had the pleasure to experience in quite some time. The way we spoke about her made it abundantly clear that we've obviously been sitting in jail for way too long. Dropping bars of soap in showers notwithstanding.

I haven't been this comfortable in a long time. It's time to break out the champagne...

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