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Archives 2002-12-10 - 8:04 p.m.

I suppose I've been rather depressing lately. Sorry.

Well it has been rather depressing lately. Just found out that another colleague of mine is getting sent home tomorrow because he can't hack it anymore. That makes two in one week, and it's a bit nervewracking.

It's almost like watching the pivotal final moments of Star Wars IV, as Gold Five tells Gold Leader, "Sta-ay on tar-rget". Just after that, he gets his own ass blown up. How sad...

In any event, I have to wake up at six tomorrow morning to do some prep work. Knowing me, I'll probably go to bed at midnight again. I'll sulk about it, have a few cigarettes, and wake up with half my eye still attached to the pillow.

That's depressing, because I reckon I need that eye.

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