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Archives 2001-11-14 - 1:36 a.m.

I was dreaming in class tonight. Not that it's something that I do normally, nor is it wise to do so on a regular basis. Really, when my friend woke me up just in time to answer a question that my professor posed, I didn't know what to say, except to answer the question correctly. And I did, which surprised me to no end. Even my professor was mildly stunned.

But there I was, dreaming away, about things I had no business to think about. Things like, making love in an aircraft lavatory, having a normal conversation with my cats, and talking to my son about the evils of T.V.

What did I say? No, I do not have children, nor am I married. I don't even have a girlfriend in this sacred moment of my life. But I believe that this was the first time I've ever had a dream about offspring of my own. I even knew what he looked like.

Though I've since forgotten. Like many pictures in my mind, they tend to fade and discombobulate over time. Though when I went for a snack in the lobby after, I did see the woman I was to have made love with in the aircraft lavatory. She was going to take her plane and passengers to Ottawa, I was buying a Kit-Kat bar.

And it was the best tasting Kit-Kat bar I've ever had.

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