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Archives 2001-06-15 - 7:39 p.m.

It's way hot. Way too hot. I prefer more temperate climes, but alas, it is not in my horroscope. Sweat is fine, but being delirious in a small little hot room isn't.

It reminds me of my trip out to Calgary almost four years ago. A friend of mine brought me to a reservation to experience Native Indian culture for the first time. On a side note, most of them thought I was Native too...

Anyways, I tried for a few short minutes sitting in a 'hot tent', where you light a small fire inside a tepee, and just soak in the heat. This is done so that one can see 'visions' from spirits, with the aid of some 'hallucinagens'. They let us sit in one just to see what it's like, even though it was against all traditions for outsiders to have this privelege. I was there for all of 2 minutes (maybe even less than that), before I scrambled out into the cool night air. It's safe to say that I don't like hot places.

However, saunas are a somewhat different story, especially the co-ed ones. Went to one in Amsterdam recently, and it was just a wonderful experience, all five hours of it. And I was surprised, because in those five hours that I spent with some of the most beautiful women in the world, naked, I did not have a woody. Ma, I think I have matured.

And truly, it was the most wonderful spa experience I've ever had in my life. For 40 guilders, you can stay there all day if you want, enjoy all the pools, turkish baths, massage, saunas, and get pampered to death while doing it. Drinks are extra, however...

Right. It's Friday, and it would be silly for me to stay home. Therefore, I shall go.

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